European Common Indicators or ECI indicators (from the abbreviations of European Common Indicators) are in Czech conditions known and most widely used set of sustainable development at the local level. The set was developed in 2001 at the initiative of the European Commission and has been tested in dozens of European cities. In 2003 it was taken over by newly created initiative TIMUR (Team Initiative for Local Sustainable Development, o.s.) and began to apply it to the conditions of Czech cities. In the past or at present it has been used as a whole or its individual parts by about 40 towns in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia.

Set of ECI indicators consists of 10 mostly environmental indicators. They are:

  1. Satisfaction with the local community
  2. Local contribution to global climate change – carbon footprint of the town
  3. Mobility and local transport of passengers
  4. Availability of public spaces and services
  5. Local air quality
  6. Paths for children to and from school
  7. Unemployment
  8. Environmental load of noise
  9. Sustainable land use
  10. Ecological footprint of the town