

Publicly beneficial corporation CI2, o.p.s. was established in early 2013 by transforming of organization Iris, o.p.s. The aim of the transformation was the pursuit of continuation of activities implemented by Iris, o.p.s. Furthermore, their expansion into new areas - the issue of determining the carbon footprint of the Czech environment and more intense promotion of sustainability indicators into policies and strategies of local and regional public administration.

Iris, o.p.s. - company for awareness and education was the organization from which the CI2, o.p.s. was transformed.

The mission of Iris, o.p.s. was enlightenment and education of the general public, in particular concerning the relationship of man to nature, health, urgent social problems and related issues of science and research. Forms of activity:

  • consulting and services to the educational and awareness projects;
  • educational programmes and events for schools and the general public;
  • publication of books, information and educational materials;
  • cooperation with the media;
  • information and advisory services.

Company Iris, o.p.s. was registered on the 25th January 2001.